Rainy Days

” Resistance is futile you will be eliminated, exterminate, exterminate, ” I screamed, as I chased the grandchildren around the house pelting them with socks, ducking to avoid the barrage of socks I received in return. I was channeling my inner Dalek, bad guys from the planet Skaro, perennial enemies of the Time Lord fromContinue reading “Rainy Days”

Liars and Thieves-Book Review

I’ve read and followed many interesting bloggers since joining WordPress in March, 2018. Each writer/blogger claiming their own space from prose to poetry, horror to sci-fi, self help to self awakening, religion to fantasy, and so on and so on. We are a very imaginative group. One such blogger/writer I have followed for a whileContinue reading “Liars and Thieves-Book Review”

Break Time

We are in the dog days of Summer, and wanting to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, I’m fasting from social media, including WordPress for 2-3 weeks. Hoping to come back in the middle of September to continue to share this blogging feast with you all. Happy days. See you in a couple of weeks.